The economic decline seems to be getting to everyone these days, so it seems like everyone is looking to make a quick buck. Why not try to make money on the web? It's not as hard as it seems and I'm going to help you.
Do you have boxes laying around your basement marked "Garage Sale"? I know you do. We all save our old stuff not wanting to throw it in the landfill or waste our money but we never seem to get the time or energy to organize a garage sale. How am I supposed to organize a garage sale on top of PTA meetings, soccer practice, homework and family time? I understand, believe me. This is why I want to help you.
Try selling your used stuff online! It is so easy and there are many reputable websites that will help you. Just do a web search and look around the website. You don't even have to wait to accumulate a lot of stuff. Have a stack of paperbacks laying around? Sell them! Movies you haven't watched for years? You get the picture.
Here's a couple of tips to make selling online a breeze:
Gather all of your stuff in one box. If you already have a garage sale box, this step is done.
Research similar items for pricing and description. Look to see what is selling and what is not. This will give you an edge and help you to sell your items more quickly.
Clean up your items. Nobody wants to buy something dirty. Wash the clothes, wipe off toys and rewind tapes. You get the idea.
Take clear pictures of your items. It helps people to form an emotional attachment to what you are selling. Make sure to complete the above step and have good lighting.
Be prompt in shipping your items.
Figure out the cheapest shipping costs to make the most money.
Most importantly, have fun!
If you can follow my tips you should be able to make some extra cash and have lots of fun! Run out of stuff to sell? Buy items at garage sales and flea markets, and fix them up! I got a bag of over 20 books at a library book sale for only $2.00! Even if I priced all of my books at $1.00, I would still make $18.00 profit!
The ideas are endless. Use your creativity, research some more ideas and start making money on the web!
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