วันพุธที่ 29 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Buddhism - Nirvana - How Do You Reach Nirvana?

Nirvana in Buddhism is the supreme state of Buddha Nature that is free from Samsara and suffering. Once this state is attained and contained all karmic imprints are stopped and one is released from the cycle of reincarnation. While Nirvana is often used in the East, freedom from suffering can also be explained through non-attachment and this form of Buddha nirvana is also referred to as "Enlightenment."

So, how do you reach Nirvana or enlightenment? In Buddhism, enlightenment can be explained as the liberation from our thoughts. Instead of being our thoughts, we shift perspective to watching our thoughts-we are observing our thoughts without identifying with our thoughts.

This is the liberation from thought identification to thought observation, and this is what it means for the brain to get out of its own way. Beyond the brain and its thoughts we experience that we are still there, and this experience is liberation-the experience of our true nature.

To explain this, a mirror is often used as a metaphor for the mind, or consciousness. Our mind is an empty mirror in which thoughts occur as reflections. We are the mirror. Our thoughts, as reflections in the mirror, are our subjective self, or ego. By observing our thoughts we can see that these reflections come and go in the mirror, but when we watch closely we find something behind these reflections that is clear and stable. This is the mirror-our true nature.

Knowing our true identity, we can observe the reflections as they change from pleasant to unpleasant thoughts and back again, but since we no longer identify with the reflections we have now become liberated from them. This simply means that we are no longer controlled by our thoughts.

We now control our thoughts, and can select positive and happy thoughts, instead of negative and unhappy thoughts. This is enlightenment and freedom from our thoughts, which leads us to the essence of our nature. This was what the Buddha taught, and all his 84,000 teachings can all be condensed into one line: Recognize your essence.

The Buddhist tradition tells us that negation lacks the oneness with the parts, and therefore, we should abandon "the poison of contradictions." Being able to discriminate is an important function of the mind, but a dualistic mind ruled by negation is not a happy mind because it is disconnected from its own true nature. Our true identity is beyond conceptual thinking, and it is by redrawing this conceptualization that we can experience the true nature of the mind.

Karmic patterns are not part of our true nature-they are part of the manifest world (Samsara). To be real and to experience who we are, we need to move beyond into the un-manifest and unlimited world of our true nature. Just the same, when we die and leave the body, we also leave this karmic world of delusion to enter the ultimate nature of reality.

The true nature of mind is the door through which we enter into the ultimate reality of existence. The Buddhists teach us that to leave the karmic world behind; we cannot be attached to it. Non-attachment is a mind in equilibrium without craving or aversion. Again, non-attachment is not the nihilistic perception of nothingness, but the abandoning of conceptual thinking, which leaves the mind calm to experience itself. The true nature of the mind is naturally full of light and unlimited love. This is very similar to the experience of the light in the near-death experience. In fact, "The light experienced in meditation has many of the qualities of the light of the NDE."

Buddhism teaches that when we die, we encounter this light-the Luminous Bardo of Dharmata, Dharmata meaning true nature and luminosity referring to the light that is naturally present. As the near-death experience gives evidence to, this ultimate reality is beyond our human understanding, and in Buddhism it is bright and unimaginably positive as the ultimate bliss.

This clear light nature is the ultimate level of reality and as such it is also your true nature as the light of your enlightened mind. Therefore, an important key to enlightenment is the realization that nirvana is not something you effort for as you try to reach it with attachment to the goal. You are in essence nirvana and as such all you need is to stop reacting to karmic imprints and just be - be yourself.

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วันอังคารที่ 28 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 26 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

How Are Minerals Formed?


MINERALS are naturally occurring, inorganic solids, with a characteristic chemical composition, having a regular atomic structure throughout. Man-made industrial diamonds are not considered true minerals but, having said that, there are also some Organic Minerals, such as Amber, which purists are reluctant to call minerals, but they satisfy at least three of the criteria for mineral makeup, and therefore the point is open to debate.

How Many Minerals are there? There are about 4000 listed minerals on this planet but only a relatively few have gained popularity due to their pleasing appearance, often bizarre shapes, exquisite spectrum of colours, and trading value. Minerals are generally composed of more than one element or compound. Those which are made up of only one element are called Native Elements e.g. gold, silver, mercury, copper. The Conquistadores fell in love with New World gold and "liberated" it by the ship-load to fill the coffers of Government and Church in Spain. Silver too, along with Topaz, Tourmaline, Agate, Ruby, Diamond and many other precious rocks and minerals, have been highly prized for as long as Man was first enchanted by their beauty, commercial value and status it imparted to the wearer.

So, just how are minerals formed? Minerals can be formed in a wide variety of geological environments; deep inside volcanos, at the bottoms of deep oceans, deserts, salt lakes and cooling deep deposits of molten rock. Also, under the influence of heat and or pressure, when solutions and gasses holding concentrations of specific elements cool or evaporate, minerals growths are deposited inside rock fissures or voids. These minerals are sometimes forced through as a suspension in water, the water then evaporating leaving the mineral deposits as crystals (e.g. Amethyst) when the rock void is not fully filled or as Agates, when the rock is completely filled. These minerals are only visible when the rock is split open; it takes some skill to decide which rock to crack open! More about that later. An example of such crystal and mineral specimens for collectors are Geodes which are round rocks containing precipitated mineral salts, these being commonly Agates (caused by mineral salt crystals forming inside Basalt rocks), Amethysts, Quartz, Jasper.

Minerals don't necessarily need heat or pressure to be formed; water saturated with mineral salts can leave deposits (Stalactites) as it drips down from the roof of a cave, forming corresponding Stalagmites directly below, over the centuries, where the drips hit. Eventually both grow to meet each other and thicken over the years. Sometimes, as a novelty, tourists can hang an item on a line at a cave, over which calcium carbonate saturated water runs; over a period of a few months it becomes encased in a hardening deposit of Calcium Carbonate.

Ok, the basic scene has been set, now let's examine in more detail the different mechanisms involved in mineral formation. All minerals are formed from ROCKS, which are an aggregate or mixture of various minerals and are the basic materials from which a mineral is formed.
Rocks can be either:

Igneous - formed due to volcanic activity from the Earth's core.

Metamorphic - formed because of pressure or heat (e.g. tectonic plates colliding) on existing rocks, changing them into another type of rock.

Sedimentary - resulting from the layered compaction of weathered rock materials and/or shells.

Let us examine these rocks a little further:-

IGNEOUS ROCKS(from the Latin ignis - fire) can be further categorised as being or Extrusive.

Mineral crystals formed from Intrusive igneous rocks have a coarse structure because the cooling effect was slow and the crystals could grow for a long time, sometimes to a large size, especially when molten rock (magma) is trapped under ground and cools very slowly. Granite is an example of a commonly found intrusive rock. Other examples are:-



Pegmatite (Pegmatites are known to contain aquamarine, tourmaline, beryl, topaz, cassiterite, fluorite, apatite, tin and tungsten plus a host of other minerals.

These rocks are generally only exposed after mountain-forming upheavals, when rocks deep down are thrust to the surface due to Tectonic Plate Convergence. The Himalayas, for example, are currently still being pushed up by convergence forces.

Extrusive rocks are magma ejected from volcanos and cooling rapidly on the Earth's surface. This means that their crystal structure is generally very small to microscopically small, as the crystals did not have sufficient time to develop. Obsidian (a glass-like black rock still used today by some surgeons because it keeps its sharp edge, down to one molecule!) & Basalt (the Giant's Causway at the northern tip of Irleand) are two commonly found extrusive rocks, as are:-





METAMORPHIC ROCK MINERALS (from the Greek meta after, morphe form) are formed when sufficient heat and pressure change the original rock into a completely new rock. The original rock can be sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic. The most important Metamorphic mechanism is heat, changing the rock's chemical structure at temperatures above 200 Celsius, breaking down the crystalline structures in the rock and converting them into new minerals. If the temperature becomes too high, the metamorphic action stops and the rocks become igneous. Marble is a common example of metamorphised limestone.

(hot water with dissolved ions) can also be responsible for changing parent rocks and is responsible for producing Sulphide minerals (e.g. Pyrite & Galena) and also Copper on the sea floor when the hot mineral-enriched water contacts the sea water.

Metamorphic Minerals - most of the minerals in following list are found exclusively in Metamorphic rock:-











SEDIMENTARY ROCK MINERALS. (from the Latin sedimentum - a settling). Sedimentary rocks are the basic building blocks from which nearly all metamorphic rocks are formed; it is the sedimentary rocks which are drawn down or pushed up by tectonic activity. While igneous & metamorphic rocks produce some of the finest mineral/gemstone specimens, the minerals in sedimentary rocks are not quite so impressive in form or range, though some sedimentary rock can also include igneous & metamorhic minerals as these rocks crumble due to weathering & being dissolved in water. Sedimentary rocks are also a mirror of the past, the different layers telling a story of what the Earth's climate was like over the millions of years the rocks were forming, especially because of the fossil content as, unlike the other two types of rock, the heat & pressures produced in sedimentary rock formation is not enough to destroy fossil evidence.


CLASTIC Sedimentary Rock is layered or Lithified (from the Greek Lithos - rock) by deposits of erroded debris of other rocks (due to weathering, frost, glacial action, or water). Most of the igneous rock minerals (with the exception of Quartz, which is very hard) are attacked over time by water, acids & alkalis and changed into clay minerals and chemicals in solution. Other minerals in Clastic sedimentary rock, like Zircon, Rutile & Magnetite are inert and highly resistant to mechaincal & chemical breakdown.
Clastic rock also contains the minerals feldspar, quartz, amphiboles & clays.
Minerals found in clastic sedimentary rocks are in the classes of Halides, Sulphates, Borates.

BIOGENIC SEDIMENTARY ROCKS are made up of materials from living organisms, i.e. corals, molluscs & amoeboid organisms, which deposit layers of calcite over the ocean floors, which later form limestone. Other examples of minerals found in biogenic rocks are stromatolites and flint.

PRECIPITATE SEDIMENATRY ROCKS are formed when mineral solutions e.g. sea water, evaporate and deposit minerals such as Halite & Gypsum.

And finally, a list of mineral classes (for those who love lists!)

Classes of Minerals.
All minerals found in igneous, metamorphic & sedimentary rocks can be classified as follows:-

1. Elemental (Diamond, Gold, Silver)

2. Sulphides,Selenides,Telurides,Arsenides,Antimonides, Bismutides (Galena, Pyrite, Chalcoprite)

3. Halides (Fluorite, Carnalite)

4. Oxides & Hydroxides (Corundum, Quartz, Hematite, Magnetite)

5. Sulphates, Chromates, Molybdates, Tungstenates, (Barite, Selenite)

6. Phosphates, Arsenates, Vanadates (Variscite, Mimetite, Vanadinite,)

7. Silicates (Opal, Zircon, Talc, Tourmalines, Topaz)

8. Nitrates, Carbonates, Borates (Calcite, Malachite, Azurite)

9. Organic Minerals (Amber, Whewellite, Oxammite)

I hope the information has been of help to you in your quest for answers as to how are minerals formed. The subject of Mineralogy can be developed to great scientific depths, but I have tried to present the information in a format anyone can understand. I hope this small offering has whetted your appetite for further research! Later, I will be adding some information on where and how to find some of the most popular minerals & gemstones. Happy hunting!

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วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 23 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Se Solicita Príncipe Azul - Se Solicita Príncipe Azul Capítulo 16

Dos mujeres que menosprecian hombres encuentran la felicidad. novelasyseries.univision.com Gaby Espino "María Carlota Rivas" Rafael Novoa "Ricardo Izaguirre" Daniela Alvarado "María Corina Palmieri" Adrián Delgado "Luís Carlos Rivas" Raúl Amundaray "Aquiles Pérez Luna" Caridad Canelón "India Pacheco" Guillermo Ferrán "Pastor Palmieri" Cristina Dieckman "Victoria" Martín Lantigua "Padre Dativo" Jorge Palacios "FedericoDel Valle" Carolina Perpetuo "Dalia" Rafael Romero "Agustín Rivas" Franklin Virgüez "Angel Rivas"

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วันอังคารที่ 21 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Cruise Wear - What to Wear on a Cruise

The question is not: what to wear on a cruise? - But is: What to bring and when to wear it?. Cruise dress codes fall into three categories casual, informal and formal. I will define these categories later on, but for now just remember that a cruise is an elegant experience that everyone should experience. Watching the sun go down behind the oceans horizon will truly cast a spell on you and your partner, a memory never to be forgotten.

Cruises have a defined evening schedule. The dress codes for the scheduled events are strictly adhered to, so it is important that you are prepared with all the necessary attire to get the full benefit out of your holiday. Daily dress codes take affect after 6pm. Before 6pm every day is casual.

Included in the final documentation for your cruise should be a schedule. This schedule is a complete itinerary of your time on and off the ship. More important however it will clearly define the theme for each day/evening and what the expected dress code will be for each event.

A typical 7 day cruise will consist of

· Two formal nights

· Two casual nights

· One to four informal nights

Plan for success-Make a list

You will typically have limited luggage space unless you are planning on paying for extra luggage so careful planning is in order to ensure you have enough outfits for every event. Wearing the same cocktail dress twice will never be noticed if you accessorize it differently. Changing your purse, jewelry, shoes and a shawl will give a different look for any outfit.

Some people wear long gowns on cruises but a shorter formal dress is just as acceptable unless you're on the most exotic cruises.

Casual Wear-Informal Wear-Formal Wear

Before we proceed any further, we need to differentiate between casual, informal and formal wear. This will allow us to put the dress codes in prospective.

Casual Wear

Casual wear should be comfortable. Depending on your plans for the day your clothing should match the activities. Warm weather on the ship will require your choice of swimwear, cover-up and sandals. Day trips ashore will dictate shorts with tee shirts or polo style shirts and comfortable strolling shoes. You can also plan on buying tops while you are shopping however keep in mind that you need room to bring them home. Mix and Match will save packing room and give you a different look as your cruise progresses.

Evening casual is slightly a different story. Shorts are not considered acceptable evening casual wear. A women's evening causal wardrobe consists of skirts, tops, pant outfits or sporty dresses. Focusing on two colors that can be combined, you can mix and match with different accessories for a complete different look for every casual event.

Keep in mind the first night and last night are typically casual nights. You likely won't have your luggage before dinner on the first night and your luggage will already be packed for the last evening.

Some cruise lines discourage jeans in their dining rooms on casual evenings. For the most part you can get away with them but you will likely feel out of place. Use common sense when it comes to jeans. Plus jeans are hot; you should consider a lighter material.

A word of caution, short shorts are only acceptable in the fitness center and while you are at the pool. They are strictly shunned upon while walking around the cruise ship so make sure you have a cover-up if you plan on walking around the cruise ship in your swimsuit or short shorts.


Informal wear is a grey area when it comes to cruise lines. Your best bet is to review the definition of "informal wear" defined by the cruise line you are traveling on. This definition can be found on their website and travel brochures.

The general rule for informal wear is that it only applies to evening activities. Informal wear consists of a dressier dress or pants outfit. Many cruise lines have dropped the informal category and replaced it with resort casual, which is slightly more formal than casual wear.


The formal night on cruise ships for lack of a better term is the Cinderella effect. The dress code for women will range from simple cocktail dresses to the most formal shimmering gowns. If you have been to a graduation, wedding or similar formal gathering your outfit will surely meet the dress code and make you shine.

The most important piece of formal wear a woman can own is a pair of silky black dress pants. They take up no room in a suitcase, can be mixed and matched for different occasions and typically have an elastic waistband which comes in handy as your holiday progresses while eating all of the rich food typically provided on a cruise.


Cruise ships keep their indoor temperatures on the cool side and evening temperatures on the deck will cool off so include a wrap in your wardrobe to fend off the chill after a day in the sun.

A cover up will save you a great deal of time on a cruise ship. You can wear your swimsuit by the pool, throw on your cover up and venture into the lunch buffet without going back to your cabin to change.


Comfortable shoes are a must for sightseeing, deck shoes with a rubber type sole will be an asset for strolling aboard the ship.

High heels are permitted but remember cruise ships are big and you will spend a good portion of your day strolling from place to place. Comfort is the key.


Wearing a hat will ward of the sun but keep in mind that the prevailing winds will send your hat abroad if it is not well fitted.

Additional Items you should consider packing

- Portable radio/CD player

- Bottle corker

- Camcorder

- Camera

- Medications

- Tylenol/Advil

- Motion sickness

- Prescription medications if required

- Sunburn creams

- Nausea medication

- Sunscreen

- Extension cord-Ship cabins have limited outlets

- Hair dryer-ships hairdryers are typically small

- Shampoo

- Hair Conditioner-salt water and ocean spray will dry your hair

- Body wash

- Electrical adapters- may be required on foreign cruise lines

- Extra sunglasses

- Binoculars

- Cell phone-ship phones are very expensive; your cell phone will be considerably cheaper. A word of caution however, check with your cell phone service provider before using your cell phone in foreign country Many countries have different regulations pertaining to privacy and your personal information could be at risk

Final Words of Advice

1) Pack a carry-on bag with one outfit, a swimsuit and your essentials. Luggage does get lost and if you have the minimum basics with you, shopping for a couple of essentials while you are waiting for your luggage to show up will not be as stressful. Most important, don't let the temporary loss of your luggage ruin your cruise, go with the flow, it will usually show up at the next port.

2) When on shore, keep your clothing simple, t-shirts with funny sayings or logos might not only be offensive to the local community but advertise you are a tourist

3) Don't wear extravagant jewelry when you are off of the ship. This will attract unwanted attention and cold have a disastrous outcome

4) When sightseeing, be careful when entering churches and temples, many will enforce a strict dress code so long shorts, loose skirts and tops with long sleeves are the safest approach

5) In Muslim countries, women will need to cover their heads, shoulders and legs before entering a mosque. This dress code is enforced and violations will not be tolerated.

6) Don't insult fellow passengers by rushing back to your cabin after a formal dinner and change back into your shorts or swimwear. Go with the flow and enjoy the evening as it is planned.

7) If formal wear is not your style, there are cruises that are strictly casual and will give you a more relaxed atmosphere however you will be missing a great opportunity for luxury and relaxation. Everyone should take one formal cruse in their lifetime; if for nothing else just to have the experience.

8) Last but not least, relax, enjoy and respect your fellow passengers. Many people meet lifelong friends on cruises. The combined experience of open ocean air and daily port excursions will make your cruise a memorable one.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Aberdeen & North - Wednesday, December 14, 2011

More than 100 jobs are under threat at the Vector Aerospace plant at Almondbank. One of the company's biggest customers Augusta Westland have decided to relocate all of its maintenance and repair work back in-house to its own facility in Somerset. 80 workers are being told they may have to transfer to Augusta Westland in the South of England. In other news; It's all adding up to a cruel Yule for Scotlands retailers. It seems consumer confidence is at rock bottom as concerns over household bills and job security hit spending. Retailers suffered a bigger drop in sales last month than for any month since their records began more than a decade ago. And in sport; Dundee United have agreed a fee with West Bromwich Albion for midfielder, Scott Allan. If the 20 year-old can agree personal terms with the English Premier League side then he'll make the switch to England in January. This is an international version of the news that may have been edited for rights reasons.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันศุกร์ที่ 17 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Poison Mushroom - Family Feud 2010

www.youtube.com Click here to watch Grand Theft Auto: Iowa (Farming Simulator 2011 Gameplay/Commentary) Poison Mushroom: Family Feud 2010 (machinima) We surveyed 100 mental patients. Top six answers on the board. What's the worst game show video game of all-time? DIRECTOR'S CHANNEL: www.youtube.com/northernlion - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This video will show you: How to play Family Feud 2010 How to review games How to make Machinima - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - FOR MORE MACHINIMA, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE SPORTS GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE TRAILERS, GO TO: www.youtube.com FOR MORE MMO & RPG GAMEPLAY, GO TO: www.youtube.com

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 16 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

BFMTV : 19h Ruth Elkrief - Chantal Jouanno

La ministre des Sports, tête de liste UMP pour les sénatoriales à Paris, revient sur les bisbilles au sein de la droite parisienne, et sur le sexisme à l'Assemblée nationale qu'elle avait pointé du doigt. S'agissant du RSA, Martin Hirsch s'est exprimé avec "beaucoup d'agressivité" estime la ministre, qui rappelle son "devoir de neutralité" en matière politique.

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วันพุธที่ 15 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

What Country is Manny Ramirez From? (Sports Trivia)

Rob's taking us out to the ball game in today's round of Sports Trivia. What country is famous Latino baseball player Manny Ramirez from? Is he from the Dominican Republic, San Juan, Peurto Rico, or Santiago? Click on the right answer when you see it, or stick around and wait for more clues! Good luck! Subscribe: www.youtube.com Movie Line Trivia: www.youtube.com General Movie Trivia: www.youtube.com Music Trivia: www.youtube.com Sports trivia is an interactive quiz show. Test your knowledge against your host Rob on everything from Jerome Bettis to Anna Kournikova to Michael Phelps. How well do you know the world of sports?

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วันอังคารที่ 14 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Writing a Request For Proposal For Web Site Design and Development

A company that is looking to get bids from several qualified vendors for a Web site design or development project will typically write a Request for Proposal (RFP) and either post it online or send it directly to potential vendors it has identified.

As with any complex project, a Web site design project requires clear communication between the client and web developer in order for the client to receive accurate bids. The RFP serves as a baseline of project requirements on which competing vendors may price their services. I have outlined a few items below that should typically be in a Website Design and Development Request for Proposal, though some times more information is necessary.

Writing your Request for Proposal

The Request for Proposal (RFP) process allows potential vendors to get an idea of your goals, existing challenges and possible limitations without lengthy phone discussions or in-person meetings that can severely impact the amount of time it takes for you to get started with your Web Design and Development project. It allows you to succinctly describe exactly what you are looking for and what a potential vendor should expect in the project.

An ideal RFP would clearly specify all the requirements pertaining to your website. It would allow the developer to present you with a proposal based your particular needs and, needless to say, the more details your RFP contains, the more accurate a proposal the developer is able to present.

Components of a Request for Proposal (RFP) for a Web site Design and Development Project:

Project Background Information

Brief overview of your organization, including some history and your primary business objectives.
Detailed description of the project you would like to receive the proposal for.
If your budget requirements are strict, it might help to include a 'Ballpark' Budget - which developers can use to scope and scale your solution and save you time.
Target launch date and required deliverable dates - include any dates that you need the project to meet. Are there crucial meetings and cut-off dates that the developer should be aware of? If you are not sure what the time frame should be, it's okay to see what the proposals you receive recommend and renegotiate. It's also good to anticipate and state how flexible you are with the project's completion date.

Marketing Requirements and Data

Audience demographics - who will be the main users of your site? Are there several different audiences that need to be addressed?
User comfort level with technology -  how technically savvy is your audience? Will they know how to deal with plug-ins, for example?
Will users have high-speed connections, or will many be on modems?
Audience base -  how large do you expect your user base to be?

Design and Corporate Branding Requirements

Do you have corporate identity guidelines that must be followed, including fonts and colors and graphic treatments?
What look and feel to you envision for the Web site? Include some adjectives to describe what your site should communicate.
Provide examples of Web sites that relate to the RFP either because they have a similar feel to the one your are looking for, or even examples of what you do NOT want.
Will there be any animated elements (i.e. Flash animations)? How many? How are they going to be used?

Technical and Infrastructure Requirements

Web hosting considerations. Do you currently have a Web host or are you looking for a new one to handle this project?
Browser/platform considerations. Generally speaking, a Web site for consumers or the general public should work similarly across all modern browsers and Operating Systems. If you are targeting a very specific audience it is possible your needs are different.
Development platform requirements. Do you require an Open Source solution, are you open to a proprietary solution that is more tailored to your exact needs, etc.
Coding language requirements (e.g. ASP.NET, PHP, Java). Many times this depends on the type of Web hosting platform or any pre-existing software you may have.
Are there third party applications you'd like to incorporate?

Functionality/programming Requirements

Will there be forms on the site? If so, how many? How should they be handled? (e.g. e-mailed to recipients, stored in a database, etc.)
Will the site require tools to manage content/information (e.g. ability for staff to add content such as press releases or quarterly reports)?
Will there be any e-commerce on the site? If so, who will be entering data on products offered? How will transactions be managed?
Are there any other interactive features the site should have? What are they, and how do you envision them to work?

Search Engine Optimization

Describe any currently defined search engine friendly production requirements and expectations
Indicate if you are seeking SEO/SEM consultation services

Ongoing Site Maintenance Plans

How often will the site be updated? Are you looking for a retainer situation, or 'on-demand' hourly work?
Will you be self-maintaining or will you be outsourcing maintenance services?

Project Management

Who will be the main point of contact on your staff? Keep in mind that in most cases it is easiest to have a single point of contact at both your organization and the company designing and developing your Web site.
How will the tasks be divided between you and the developer in order to complete the project?
Are there any third parties (subcontractors, etc.) that will also be involved in the project?

RFP Response Deadline and Contact Information

When is the response to the RFP due?
To whom should the response be sent?
Do you prefer E-mail or hard copies, and if so, how many hard copies?
Is there a specific solicitation number that needs to be referenced in the Proposal Document?
What is the RFP review process? How long do you anticipate to take to make your decision before the project can begin?

Some Additional Thoughts Before You Begin:

For all items listed above, be sure to clearly indicate if you must have any item(s) bid as an optional aspect of the project. Keep in mind possible dependencies between project aspect/components that may make this impractical.
Before writing your Request For Proposal, determine your budget for the project and, beyond that, your priorities for selecting a Developer who can meet your budgetary requirements.

Writing an RFP is a good exercise for anyone thinking about a site design or redesign as it takes thoughtful planning to specify and construct a website. A well thought out, quality RFP is essential to a successful endeavor because it helps you to focus on your goals and exactly how to achieve them.

Best of luck with your Web site Design and Development Project.

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วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Google Redirect Virus Removal 2011 - How To Get Rid of This Virus From Windows XP, Vista and 7

The "Google Redirect Virus" is a hugely common infection which works by sending your search engine results to fake websites. The design of this infection is such that it will basically try and get you to buy any of the fake products it will recommend from the sites it will send you to. Commonly known as a hugely common infection, the virus is notoriously difficult to remove, unless you know exactly what it is.

You can normally tell if you have this virus by these common traits:
The redirect virus will continually send search engine results to fake websites
The virus will load up fake popups & adverts
You will continually see new fake tabs being opened whilst browsing the Internet.

This virus works by changing a series of settings which Windows uses to run - including the ones that your computer will use to process redirects online. The problem you have is that your computer will continually be trying to handle "redirects" on the Internet, and the virus you have has basically taken those redirects & hijacked them to send you to some fake websites. Most people see this infection when browsing Google, because the search engines always redirect you through their own website before taking you to the target site that you wanted in the first place - making it essential that you're able to get rid of the virus in the most effective way possible to ensure your system's continued security.

The way to get rid of this virus is slightly different than most infections, mainly because of the way it works. Most viruses work by installing a small file / setting onto your computer, and then using that file to try and cause problems. This means that you cannot use an anti-virus application to get rid of the virus as it won't be able to identify any of the infections you have on your PC. Instead, you need to be able to use two types of software - a "Trojan Horse" removal tool, and a "Browser Hijack Object" removal application. Namely, you should first look to download a program called Hitman Pro, and then a tool called ComboFix to scan through your PC and get rid of the virus you have on it.

You should download Hitman Pro & ComboFix and then let them scan through your PC to remove the infection. After you've used these programs, you may wish to also look at a program called FixRedirectVirus.org, which is a new tool designed specifically to get rid of the redirect virus from your PC.

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วันอาทิตย์ที่ 12 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

What Sign is Most Compatible With a Sagittarius Female?

It can take a while for a Sagittarius woman to commit but once they do, they are very loyal partners and will honor that commitment. Sagittarians look for people who either have a lot of things in common with them or someone who can make them experience something new continuously. They love to party and have fun so they wouldn't settle for just about anyone. Below are some of the best romantic matches for a Sagittarian female.

Aries Male. This is perhaps the best match for a Sagittarius female. The female Archer may like to flirt but an Aries male won't be too possessive of her because both of them love meeting and hanging out with new people. These two will throw great parties or small gatherings that all of their guests will enjoy. They are both intellectual types too although an Aries male will be more passionate about an issue than the Sagittarius female might be. Usually Sagittarians are the last to commit to anything but if Aries can keep them interested (which they can) the female Archer will soon be accustomed to a more long term relationship. Because of a lot of similarities between the two of them, they will have a very harmonious relationship and can lead to a marriage made in heaven.

Leo Male. Leos are creative and idealistic. That is probably the biggest advantage that they have in winning a Sagittarian female's heart. Leo's have a very bright outlook in love and life. He is intellectual and philosophical like the Sagittarian. They too have a lot in common. A Leo is a fixed sign while Sagittarius is mutable. It will be easy for a Leo to manipulate or drive a Sagittarian towards a goal that he thinks is best for the two of them. This is one sign that a carefree Sagittarian female will work with. Leos are born to be leaders and a Sagittarian is easy to guide. In bed, Leos like things spontaneous. This works for a Sagittarius because spontaneity is her middle name. The biggest possible problem they will encounter is that the Sagittarian female can sometimes say things a Leo does not care to share with just about anyone. If they can fix these little differences then expect another long term relationship from these two.

Aquarius Male. Aquarius males make fun look like double the actual fun he gets. This is another air sign and air can guide the fire sign Sagittarius to the way they want. There will be little jealousy on this relationship because both love meeting new people and partying until the wee hours of the morning. An Aquarius guy might have a detached nonchalant attitude about things which is fine with a female Sagittarius.

Libra Male. The air sign Libra is more focused and likes to be in control. The Sagittarius female, which is also a fire sign, would let him take the reign and guide her to the direction he wants to take. The female archer will never get bored with the ever changing ideas of a male Libran. She will find it exciting since she is a risk taker and Librans would not stop her from her adventurous ways.

Sagittarius Male. Both signs can make great partners in crime. They know how each other are and what each other like so it will be easy for them to adjust and in most cases they don't have to adjust anymore since they understand where each other are coming from. They both love to party and have fun. They are idealists, creative, loves living life and has a passion for freedom and space. This relationship will be like a roller coaster but will also be worth it for the two of them.

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วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Diet to Help Eliminate Anxiety


There is no quicker way to reduce general anxiety than having good eating and drinking habits. One of the most easily implemented and effective additions to your diet is fresh water. Water is a great quencher of thirst--but more importantly here--It is a helpful tool as an anxiety cure.

Nearly every function of the body is monitored and pegged to the efficient flow of water through our system. Water transports hormones, chemical messengers, and nutrients to vital organs of the body. When we don't keep our bodies well-hydrated, they may react with a variety of signals such as anxiety, which we would never think are related to our poor drinking habits.

Diet to Help Eliminate Anxiety : Water Here are some interesting information about water:

1. Seventy-five percent of Americans are chronically dehydrated.

2. In 37% of Americans, the thirst mechanism is so weak that it is often mistaken for hunger.

3. Even MILD dehydration will slow down one's metabolism as much as 3%.

4. One glass of water will shut down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a University of Washington study.

5. Lack of water is the #1 trigger of daytime fatigue.

Regular fresh drinking water is a vital ingredient to your diet when looking at anxiety cures. When we are dehydrated, our cells can feel this at a molecular level and communicate this to the subconscious as an underlying subtle anxiety. The key to rebalancing a deficit of fluids is to drink eight glasses of fresh water daily.

Have you noticed the effects of dehydration on your emotions before? If you have ever suffered from a serious hangover from a night out on the tiles, you will understand the feeling of dehydration all too well. Hangovers result from dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. I am sure many of you are familiar with the tendency to have what has become known as "the hangover fear." This is a heightened sense of anxiety and jumpiness that results from the dehydration caused by a hangover. The surest way for someone who suffers from anxiety to experience a panic attack is to drink excessive amounts of alcohol and wait for the hangover to set in the following day. Water is a great cure for anxiety in this particular situation.

It is important to be aware that dehydration is a factor that contributes to anxiety and that a diet to help eliminate anxiety should contain ample amounts of fresh water. Personally, I have found that not only does regular intake of water ward off subtle feelings of anxiety thus greatly helping as a cure for anxiety, but it is also incredibly effective for building stamina and avoiding fatigue.

Diet to Help Eliminate AnxietyDiet (Food) On average, most people have a very acidic diet, which results in not just a lower resistance to stress but to a variety of serious health problems. Your diet is something you can immediately control and help you build your resources of anxiety cures. As you master your diet, not only are you improving your overall well-being but are also building up a positive mental attitude, which says, "I am in control of my body."

If our internal environment is too acidic, this can exaggerate any anxiety we may be experiencing. The body is in a greater state of health when it is balanced internally. What is needed is to bring the body's internal pH balance into acceptable parameters. The elimination of high anxiety is not easy unless you maintain an alkaline balance in the food you eat. If your food is too acidic or you indulge in excessive amounts of foods, your body cannot function at its best. It will have difficulty eliminating toxins from your body, and will have less of a buffer zone to stress, leaving you feeling vulnerable and shaken when anxiety strikes.

Food such as salt, sugar, and refined or processed products lower your body's resistance, whereas food such as fruit and vegetables raise it. As you control your body's needs, you empower yourself and gradually build a body that does not feel threatened by an onslaught of high anxiety.

Proteins, nuts, grains, and dairy products (except yoghurt) along with alcohol, sugar, and salt are acidic foods.

Fruit, vegetables, and juices, are alkaline.

Diet to help eliminate anxiety

For optimum balance you need an 80% alkaline diet. This means concentrating on fruits and raw vegetables using proteins in small quantities for when you need energy. A person with a good diet needs only 50 g of protein a day. This should consist of 7 ounces of animal protein (or a vegetarian equivalent) or 36 ounces of good yoghurt. The rest of your diet to help eliminate anxiety should be alkaline (should you have a very strenuous or physical occupation you may need more than 50 g of protein a day). Below is a more comprehensive list of alkaline foods that will help bring greater balance to your diet and help you cure your anxiety more easily.

Diet to Help Eliminate AnxietyA diet to help eliminate anxiety should contain.... Parsnips Rutabagas Cauliflower Mushrooms Green Beans Green Peas White Potatoes Tomatoes Muskmelon Cantaloupe Limes Tangerines Strawberries Pineapple Oranges Grapes Apricots Blackberries Peaches Raspberries Pears Apples Beans, Dried Dried Figs Dried Dates Bananas Raisins Avocados Prunes Sweet Potatoes Watermelons Honeydew Melon Almonds Millet Molasse Beet Greens Celery Chard Leaves Watercress Sauerkraut Lettuce Green Limas Cucumbers Radishes Cabbage Broccoli Beets Brussel Sprouts Carrots Green Soybeans Raw Spinach

Diet to help eliminate anxiety Minerals to help cure anxiety

Mineral stores in your body have a buffering action on acid and tend to alkalize the acidity in the internal environment. Low or deficient mineral stores can lead to acidic bodily pH. The buffering action of mineral stores keeps the pH toward the healthier and slightly alkaline side of the pH scale. This buffering system is delicately balanced and can get disrupted under mineral-deficient conditions. Both the acid and mineral residues are discarded through the urinary tract. Over time, this depletes the mineral stores if they are not replaced. This is the reason we should ensure to get adequate mineral levels in a proper diet to help eliminate anxiety. If we don't get adequate levels through the fruits and vegetables we eat, then we need to use good quality supplement minerals to help aid our efforts to cure anxiety.

Nutrients that are paramount in helping the body cope with stress include B complex, raw adrenal concentrate, desiccated liver, flax seed oil, and colloidal minerals. A balanced B-complex vitamin supplement is essential in normal pituitary and adrenal function. Without B complex, these glands will not produce adequate hormone levels.

Minerals are absolutely essential in normal bodily functions including autonomic nervous system function. A good example of their importance is demonstrated by the role a mineral, such as magnesium, plays in bodily functioning. Magnesium is instrumental in over 270 biochemical reactions in the body. It also helps regulate the pH (acid-base balance) of the human physiology. The human body functions within a very narrow pH range. Sodium and potassium are essential in nervous system functioning. Without either one of them, our nervous system would be inoperable and we would die. These minerals are usually found naturally in the vegetable that we eat. However, the mineral content in vegetables has diminished over the years from the depletion of the soil. Therefore, it may be necessary to take mineral supplements as part of a diet to help eliminate anxiety.

The truth is that it can be very difficult to maintain composure and confidence in your ability to handle all that life throws your way if your body is malnourished or deficient in vital foodstuffs. Look after your body's needs, and you will be strengthening your body's ability to cure anxiety and panic attacks.

I am convinced over the next five to ten years, a definitive link will be made between diet and helping cure anxiety. There are some very interesting research currently being conducted in 2004 into the connection between improving schizophrenia dramatically using a gluten-free diet. Although schizophrenia has nothing to do with anxiety or panic attacks, it is an example of how science is now looking to foodstuffs and their connection to our mental health.


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วันศุกร์ที่ 10 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Les Animaux de la 8 - 04/12/2011 - Passion d'une vie en Picardie

Retrouvez toutes les vidéos du programme sur : www.direct8.fr Chaque dimanche matin à 11h30, Elodie Ageron et Sandrine Arcizet vous emmènent à la découverte du monde passionnant des animaux et de ceux qui les entourent. Complices et complémentaires, les deux animatrices n'hésitent pas à mettre la « main à la patte », offrant alors des situations tendres et inattendues, pour le plus grand bonheur des téléspectateurs.Les Animaux de la 8 est un magazine d'information pédagogique et ludique à vocation familiale. Retrouvez la page officielle des Animaux de la 8 sur Facebook

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 9 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันพุธที่ 8 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Natural Sea Salt Versus Table Salt, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

If you have read other health articles that I've written you know that I am not a believer in Man messing with Mother Nature when it comes to the food we eat. In this article I want to address a common spice we all use on a daily basis. Salt!

Salt as we know it is a pure white free flowing spice that we find essential to flavoring our daily foods. Usually one doesn't even think about it much unless we have a medical condition where a doctor will tell us to decrease the amount of salt intake.

Table salt is normally rock or ocean salt that is mined, heat blasted, chemically treated, and then anti-caking agents and iodine added to it. What you have left is table salt that is basically dead. It is now just dry sodium and chloride. Once again man is cheating us of one of Mother Natures most perfect foods. Processed salt is now devoid of all the essential minerals and macrobiotic nutrients that our bodies need to survive.

Consider this, when you cry your tears are salty, and if you've cut yourself and tasted your blood, you know it is salty. The fluids in our bodies are like an ocean environment. Salt is essential for life and yet our bodies cannot make it so it must come from an outside source. Most often it comes from meat or regular table salt. The problem is that our bodies don't really know what to do with processed salt. Years of processed salt intake can damage almost all areas of the body such as the heart, kidneys, muscles and bones and it is processed salt that bloats us and causes water retention. Processed salt can put a body out of balance. According to Dr Langre's book, people that have an aversion to salt or tell you they dislike salt most likely have too much sodium chloride attached to their organs and tissues, are really telling you that they are sick and are in need of essential minerals.

100% natural sea salt maintains its integrity. Quite frankly, natural, organic sea salt is completely unfooled around with and is still harvested the same way it was done 2000 years ago by French salt farmers. It is hand raked and left in the sun to dry. All of the trace and micro-nutrients are fully intact. The correct balance of sodium and chloride are present as well as calcium, magnesium, potassium and 90 other trace and micro-nutrients. These are charged minerals that retain a lot of moisture and are grey in color. If your sea salt from the health food store is white and free flowing then it is processed and should not be used.

When natural sea salt is ingested, it immediately works with the saliva in the mouth (amalese in particular) and starts the digestive process. The more minerals present in the mouth the more digestion takes place. Digestion continues in the stomach. Natural organic sea salt has been known to lower blood pressure and decrease water retention. It enables the liver, kidneys and adrenals to work much more efficiently. It can boost the immune system. Natural sea salt has all the elements of the ocean and this means that the survival potential of a body is much greater than if you remove these vital elements.

Do your body good and get natural grey sea salt. It won't pour like table salt because of the moisture content, but the health benefits can be significant.

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วันอังคารที่ 7 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Le JJDA - Les News du jeudi 09/12/2010

Vous voulez conserver ce reportage ? Téléchargez sur myreplay.tv . Le JJDA, c'est l'émission inculte qui est devenue culte !! En direct absolu du lundi au vendredi, le Jacky Journal d'Aujourd'hui vous informe de tout ce qui se passe en Île-de-France mais aussi dans le monde des people et des médias ! Accompagné de sa poule Sandrine et d'un invité, Jacky vous donne les dernières infos qu'il a déniché pour vous : interviews décalées, les coups de fil aux people, aux personnalités des médias et des politiques, rien ne résiste à la curiosité de Jac Site internet de IDF1 : www.idf1.fr . (DROITS RESERVES . Pour toute exploitation sur TV, web, mobile, aller sur http )

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วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Demi Lovato-Me, Myself & Time lyrics (Full HQ Studio Version)

demi's new song "me, myself & time"! enjoy :) LYRICS: I can make the rain stop if I wanna Just by my attitude I can take my laptop, record a snapshot And change a point of view I just entered this brand new world And I'm so open hearted I know I've got a long way to go But I, I'm just getting started I'm over my head And I know it, I know it I'm doin' my best Not to show it, to show it Whatever it takes to be What I was meant to be I'm gonna try 'Cuz I'm livin' the dream And I know it, I know it I'm tryin' my best Not to blow it, to blow it And I know everything will be fine With me, myself and time I go where life takes me but somedays it makes me Want to change my direction Sometimes it gets lonely but I know that it's only A matter of mind perception I just entered this brand new world And I'm so open hearted I know I've got a long way to go But I, I'm just getting started I'm over my head And I know it, I know it I'm doin' my best Not to show it, to show it Whatever it takes to be What I was meant to be I'm gonna try 'Cuz I'm livin' the dream And I know it, I know it I'm tryin' my best Not to blow it, to blow it And I know everything will be fine With me, myself and time And maybe there's nothing like this moment So just be real and let the truth be spoken Whatever's broke, I can make it unbroken Turn the lead in my hand And the stars stand golden Just try, more love If I just try, more love Then I'll find myself in time I'm over my head And I know it, I know it I'm ...

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วันเสาร์ที่ 4 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

The Writing Style of Hemingway

For Whom the Bell Tolls portrays the typical Hemingway characters and addresses the issues of machoism and womanizing. In this novel, as in many of his other works, Hemingway employs extensive use of what is known as the Hemingway Code. Numerous influences from various people and events from his personal life also had an effect on his writing.

Many people hold the opinion that there has been no American writer like Ernest Hemingway. A member of the World War I "lost generation," Hemingway was in many ways his own best character. Whether as his childhood nickname of "Champ" or as the older "Papa," Ernest Hemingway became a legend of his own lifetime. Although the drama and romance of his life sometimes seem to overshadow the quality of his work, Hemingway was first and foremost a literary scholar, a writer and reader of books. This is often overlooked among all the talk about his safaris and hunting trips, adventures with bullfighting, fishing and war. Hemingway enjoyed being famous, and delighted in playing for the public spotlight. However, Hemingway considered himself an artist, and he did not want to become celebrated for all the wrong reasons.

Hemingway was born in the quiet town of Oak Park, Illinois, a suburb of Chicago, on July 21, 1899. His father was a physician, and Ernest was the second of six children born to Dr. and Mrs. Clarence E. Hemingway. His mother, a devout, religious woman with considerable music talent, hoped that her son would develop an interest in music. Instead, Ernest acquired his father's enthusiasm for guns and for fishing trips in the north woods of Michigan (Lynn 63).

From almost the beginning of his writing career, Hemingway employed a distinctive style which drew comment from many critics. Hemingway does not give way to lengthy geographical and psychological description. His style has been said to lack substance because he avoids direct statements and descriptions of emotion. Basically his style is simple, direct and somewhat plain. He developed a forceful prose style characterized by simple sentences and few adverbs or adjectives. He wrote concise, vivid dialogue and exact description of places and things. Critic Harry Levin pointed out the weakness of syntax and diction in Hemingway's writing, but was quick to praise his ability to convey action(Rovit 47).

Hemingway spent the early part of his career as a journalist. In 1937, he went to Spain to cover the Spanish Civil War for the North American newspaper Alliance. After a few months in Spain, Hemingway announced his plan to write a book with the Spanish Civil War as its background. The result was For Whom the Bell Tolls.

The majority of his early novels were narrated in the first person and enclosed within a single point of view, however, when Hemingway wrote For Whom the Bell Tolls, he used several different narrative techniques. He employed the use of internal monologues(where the reader is in the "mind" of a particular character), objective descriptions, rapid shifts of point of view, and in general a looser structure than in his earlier works. Hemingway believed that "a writer's style should be direct and personal, his imagery rich and earthy, and his words simple and vigorous. The greatest writers have the gift of brevity, are hard workers, diligent scholars and competent stylists(Magill 1287).

For Whom the Bell Tolls is the most serious and politically motivated novel that Hemingway wrote. There are few comic or light episodes in the entire book. For Whom the Bell Tolls is an attempt to present in depth a country and people that Hemingway loved very much. It was an effort to deal honestly with a very complex war made even more complex by the beliefs it inspired(Gurko 127).

Common to almost all of Hemingway's novels is the concept of the Hemingway hero, sometimes known as the "code hero." When Hemingway's novels were first published, the public readily accepted them. Part of this acceptance was due to the fact that Hemingway had created a character whose response to life appealed strongly to those who read his works. The reader saw in the Hemingway hero a person whom they could identify with in almost a dream sense. The Hemmingway hero was a man's man. He moved from one love affair to another, he participated in wild game hunting, enjoyed bullfights, drank insatiably, he was involved in all of the so-called manly activities in which the typical American male did not participate(Rovit 56).

Hemingway's involvement in the war instilled him with deep-seated political views. For Whom the Bell Tolls is a study of the individual involved in what was a politically motivated war. But this novel differs greatly from Hemingway's prior portrayal of the individual hero in the world. In this book, the hero accepts the people around him, not only a few select members of the distinguished, but with the whole community. The organization of this community is stated with great eloquence in the quotation from one of the poet John Donne's sermons upon the death of a close friend. This is the quotation from which the book takes its title:

No man is an Iland, intire of it selfe, every man is a peece of the Continent, a part of the maine, if a Clod bee washed away by the Sea, Europe is the less, as well as if a Promontorie were, as well as if a Mannor of thy friends or of thine owne were; any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for I thee.

Therefore, while the hero retains the qualities of the Hemingway Code, he has been built up by his unity with mankind. In the end, he finds the world a "fine place," that is "worth fighting for"(Curly 795). In his personal confrontation with death, Robert Jordan realizes that there is a larger cause that a man can chose to serve. In this way he differs from the earlier Hemingway hero. The insistence that action and its form be solely placed on one individual is still present, along with the need for the character to dominate that action. However, this issue is not longer a single matador against a single bull, or an individual character against his entire environment. The person is the "instrument of mankind" against the horrors of war. The political issues of this book are therefore presented not as a "contrast of black and white, but in the shaded tones of reality"(Magill 491).

While Jordan is the epitome of the hero in his actions, he is also in command of himself and his circumstances to a far greater extent than Hemingway's previous heroes; he is driven to face reality by deep emotional needs. Jordan's drives in the novel seem to be a direct reflection of Hemingway's own, because Hemingway had also been deeply affected by the suicide of his own father (Kunitz 561). Ironically, suicide as an escape from reality is a violation of Hemingway's own code. The self-doubt and fear that such an act brings to the children of a person who commits suicide is a well-known psychological outcome. This is perhaps why the painfulness of their fears causes Hemingway's heroes to avoid "thinking" at all costs. For "thinking" too much may prevent a person from reacting. And without something to react to, the hero is left to face his inner fears (Magill 474). Death is also used by Hemingway at the end of the novel to resolve the dramatic conflicts established by the story. The theme of death is likewise observable in other parts of the book, such as when the characters express their concern about dying during the attack on the bridge. As in other works following the suicide of his father, Hemingway brings his characters face to face with death. He admires those who face death bravely and without expressing emotion. For Hemingway, a man does not truly live life until analyzes the significance of death personally(Brooks 323).

In contrast to the Hemingway heroes are his female characters. Hemingway's approach to women in his works is particularly masculine. They are seen and valued in relation to the men in his stories insofar as they are absolutely feminine. Hemingway does not go into their inner world except as this world is related to the men with whom they are involved. The reader comes to view them as love objects or as anti-love figures (Whitlock 231). Part of the reason Hemingway had this opinion of woman was because the way he viewed his mother. He believed his mother to be a manipulator and blamed her in part for the suicide of his father. "The qualities he thought admirable in a man-ambition, and independent point of view, defiance of his supremacy-became threatening in a woman"(Kert 103).

Hemingway's heroines almost always personify the physical appearance of the ideal woman in their beauty. But in their personality they appear as two types: the "all-woman" who gives herself entirely to the hero and the "femme fatale" who retains herself and prevents the hero from possessing her completely. The "all-woman" is acceptable in Hemingway view because she submits to the hero. She wants no other life than with him. By succumbing to the hero, she allows him to dominate her and affirm his manhood. The "femme fatale" is usually a more complex character than the "all-woman" (Lynn 98). While she may or may not be nasty, she does not submit to the hero and wounds him and all the men around her primarily because they can not manage her and thus can not assert their manhood through her. But despite Hemmingway's portrayal of women, he usually has them fall into the same basic category as the men. The heroine, like the hero, obeys the "Hemmingway Code." She sees life for what it is even as she longs for something more. She is basically courageous in life, choosing reality over thought, and she faces death stoically. In practically every case there has already been in her life some tragic event-the loss of a lover, violence-which has given her the strength to face life this way (Lynn 102).

For Whom the Bell Tolls "is a living example of how, in modern times, the epic quality must be projected" (Baker 132). Heroic action is an epic quality, and For Whom the Bell Tolls contains this element. The setting is simple and the emphasis is on the basic virtues of uncomplicated people. The men are engaged in the conflict are prepared to sacrifice their lives; they are exceptional for their deeds of daring and heroism (Baker 94).

Behind the conception of this idea of the hero lies the disillusionment of the American public, the disillusionment that was brought about by the First World War. The impressionable man came to realize that the old ideas and beliefs rooted in religion and ethics had not helped to save man the catastrophe of World War I. As a result, after the war came to an end, Hemingway and other writers began to look for a new system of values, a system of values that would replace the old attitudes which they thought proved to be useless. The writers who adopted these new beliefs came to be known as the "lost generation."

The "lost generation," was a name instituted by Gertrude Stein and it signified the postwar generation and the literary movement produced by the young writers of the time (Unger 654). Their writing reflected their belief that "the only reality was that life is harsh" (Bryfonski 1874).

A great deal has been written about Ernest Hemingway's distinctive style. Ever since he began writing in the 1920's, he has been the subject of lavish praise and sometimes savage criticism. He has not been ignored.

To explain Hemingway's style in a few paragraphs in such a manner as to satisfy those who have read his articles and books is almost impossible. It is a simple style, straight forward and modest. Hemingway's prose is unadorned as a result of his abstaining from using adjectives as much as possible. He relates a story in the form of straight journalism, but because he is a master of transmitting emotion with out embellishing it, the product is even more enjoyable.

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วันศุกร์ที่ 3 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

On the Ground with Nicholas D. Kristof - Acid Attack

Westerners associate terrorism in Pakistan with suicide bombers, but the real emerging terrorist threat for Pakistani women is being disfigured by acid attacks, often by their own husbands.

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วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

วันพุธที่ 1 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2555

Download Wii Games - Where To Download Games For Nintendo Wii?

The popularity of the new Wii console has led a lot of us to wonder if we can download Wii games. A quick search online turns up lots of sites offering Wii game downloads and talking about the possibility of getting these games. However, it can be hard to tell which sites are reliable, safe from viruses, and provide quality games.

A good Wii download site will offer both older games and new releases. The Wii's support for classic Nintendo games means that you have the ability to download your old favorites, as well as the flashiest new games. If you want to download Wii games, look for a site that offers a good variety. Don't give your information or money to any site you don't trust, or that feels shady. Stick to well designed sites that won't sell your information or fill your computer with malware.

Generally, you'll find that there are two different kinds of sites on the web offering Wii game downloads. Some charge a price per file download. Others allow you access to an unlimited number of games for a flat fee. Which you choose will depend on how many games you need. If you want to download Wii games extensively, an unlimited site will be your best choice. If you are just looking for that one special game you can't find anywhere else, however, paying by the download will be cheaper.

To download Wii games, some sites may require you to download special software. This software will either connect to the site's main server, or to other users of the site, allowing you to download the Wii games you want. Remember, to play downloaded games on your computer, you'll also have to be able to find an emulator that operates the way the Nintendo console would.

If you want to download Wii games, it's easy to find a place that offers them. However, choosing where you want to download from can be a little bit harder. Look carefully at all the available sites offering games for download before you pick one. You could be downloading the latest Wii games, or your old favorites, within a few minutes of registering.

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